- Openings for postdocs or research associates:
If you're interested in my
research, please send
me an email in English with your CV.
- Jan. 2025: one paper accepted at
ICLR 2025
- Jan. 2025: We got awarded the Shuangchuang talent program
- Dec. 2024: two papers accepted at
AAAI 2025
- Nov. 2024: I will serve as an area chair for ECAI 2025
- Oct. 2024: one paper accepted in
- Sep. 2024: one paper accepted in the
journal track of ACML 2024
- June 2024: one paper accepted at
ICML 2024 Workshop MHFAIA
- May 2024: I will serve as an area chair for AAAI 2025
- May 2024: one paper accepted at
ICML 2024
- Apr. 2024: I will serve as a co-chair for MIWAI 2024
- Apr. 2024: our survey paper on interpretable RL has been accepted in
Machine Learning
- Jan. 2024: one paper accepted at
ICLR 2024
- Jan. 2024: I have moved to DKU
- Nov. 2023: I will serve as an area chair for ECAI 2024
- Jul. 2023: one paper accepted at
ECAI 2023
- Jun. 2023: one paper accepted at
- Jun. 2023: one paper accepted at
- Jun. 2023: We received the best paper award at ALA 2023
- Jun. 2023: We got funded by NetEase to work on RL from human feedback
- May 2023: I will serve as an area chair for AAAI 2024
- Mar. 2023: one paper accepted at
ALA 2023
- Mar. 2023: one paper accepted at
LION 2023
- Jan. 2023: one paper accepted at
AAMAS 2023
- Sep. 2022: one paper accepted at
CORL 2022
- Sep. 2022: one paper accepted at
ACML 2022
- Jul. 2022: I will serve as a senior PC member for AAAI 2023
- May 2022: one paper accepted at
ICML 2022
- Nov. 2021: one paper accepted at
International Journal of Production Research
- Nov. 2021: one paper accepted at
DAI 2021
- Oct. 2021: one paper accepted at
ADPRL 2021
- Aug. 2021: We got funded by NSFC to work on exploiting equivariance in deep RL
- Jul. 2021: I will serve as a senior PC member for AAAI 2022
- May 2021: one paper accepted at
ICML 2021
- Feb. 2021: one paper accepted at
ICRA 2021
- Aug. 2020: I will serve as a senior PC member for AAAI 2021
- Aug. 2020: I will serve as a senior PC member for IJCAI 2021
- Jul. 2020: one paper accepted at
IROS 2020
- Jun. 2020: We got funded by Huawei to work on interpretable RL
- Jun. 2020: one paper accepted at
ICML 2020
- May. 2020: our survey chapter on reinforcement learning published in
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Dec. 2019: I will serve as a PC member for JFPDA 2020
- Oct. 2019: I will serve as a PC member for ECAI 2020
- Oct. 2019: I was invited to give a talk at AWRL 2019
- Oct. 2019: I will serve as a senior PC member for IJCAI 2020
- Aug. 2019: I will serve as a reviewer for AISTATS 2020
- Aug. 2019: one paper accepted at
DAI 2019
- Aug. 2019: We got funded by Yahoo Research.
Current Professional Situation
- Associate professor at University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
Ph.D in computer science at Sorbonne Universités, UPMC (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Defended on December, 12th 2006 (with distinction "très honorable")
Title: "Qualitative models and algebraic approaches for decision under uncertainty: axiomatic foundations and application to sequential decision making"
Professional Experience
- From Sep. 2021: Associate professor at University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
- From Mar. 2018: Assistant professor at University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute
- 2016-2017: Associate professor at School of Electronics and Information Technology, SYSU
- 2015-2017: Assistant professor at SYSU-CMU Joint Institute of Engineering
- 2015-2017: Assistant professor at SYSU-CMU Shunde International Joint Research Institute
- 2015-2016: Associate professor at School of Mobile Information Engineering, SYSU
- 2015: Visiting assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon University
- 2007-2014: Associate professor in computer science at LIP6, UPMC
- 2006-2007: Temporary teaching/research position (ATER) in computer science at LIP6, UPMC
- 2003-2005: Teaching assistant in computer science at UPMC
- 2003-2006: Beneficiary of a research allowance at LIP6, UPMC
- April 2000 to June 2002: Junior quantitative analyst at SG Securities (Société Générale) in London
- July 1998 to August 1999: Software developer (one-year internship) at WYNIWYG, IT consulting company
Research/Industrial Projects
- 2022-2025: NSFC project (Exploiting equivariances in deep reinforcement learning: theory, algorithms, and applications) coordinated by Paul Weng
- 2020-2021: Huawei-funded project (Neuro-logic reinforcement learning: Towards interpretability) coordinated by Paul Weng
- 2019-2020: Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program (Large-scale multi-objective sequential decision making) coordinated by Wojciech Kotłowski and Paul Weng
- 2019-2022: Shanghai NSF project (Fair optimization in sequential decision-making under uncertainty) coordinated by Paul Weng
- 2019-2022: NSFC project (Task allocation and optimization in complex scenarios of mobile crowdsourcing) coordinated by Xiaofeng Gao
- 2017-2020: DFG project (Online Preference Learning with Bandit Algorithms) coordinated by Eyke Hüllermeier (Paderborn University) and Robert Busa-Fekete (Paderborn University)
- 2016-2017: PGMO project (Exact and approximate algorithms for fair assignment/matching problems) coordinated by Viet Hung Nguyen (UPMC)
- 2015-2016: CIRC project (Robust energy-efficient data center control) coordinated by Bruno Sinopoli (CMU) and Paul Weng
- 2014-2015: Sorbonne Universités project ELICIT (preference elicitation) coordinated by Enrico Diecidue (INSEAD) and Paolo Viappiani (CNRS)
- 2011-2012: LIP6 project CLOE (Critères Linéarisés pour l'Optimisation Equitable) coordinated by Pierre Fouilhoux (UPMC)
- 2010-2014: ANR project LARDONS (Learning And Reasoning for Deciding Optimally using Numerical and Symbolic information) coordinated by Bruno Zanuttini (University of Caen)
- 2009-2013: ANR project GUEPARD (GUaranteed Efficiency for PAReto optimal solutions Determination in multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems) coordinated by Patrice Perny (UPMC)
- 2008-2009: LIP6 project DMDC (Décision Multi-agent sur des Domaines Combinatoires) coordinated by Olivier Spanjaard (UPMC)
- 2008: Industrial project with Looneo
- 2006-2009: ANR project PHAC (Preference Handling and Aggregation in Combinatorial domains) coordinated by Jérôme Lang (CNRS)
Research/Academic Activities
- Reviewer for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in 2023
- Reviewer for the Polish National Science Centre in 2018
- Referee for Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO) since 2016
- 2024:
- 2023:
- Senior PC member of AAAI
- PC member of IJCAI, UAI
- Reviewer for ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS, ECAI, ACML, PRICAI, AI and Social Workshop @ IJCAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer for Machine Learning, TMLR, Transactions on Graphics, Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Frontiers of CS
- 2022:
- Senior PC member of AAAI
- PC member of ACML, PRICAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer for ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS, UAI
- Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Reviewer for Frontiers of Computer Science
- Reviewer for JAAMAS
- Reviewer for Knowledge-based systems
- 2021:
- Senior PC member of AAAI, IJCAI
- PC member of UAI, PRICAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer for ICML, ICLR, NeurIPS
- Reviewer for ICRA
- Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Reviewer for Frontiers of Computer Science
- Reviewer for Nature Communications
- 2020:
- Senior PC member of IJCAI
- Reviewer for International Journal of Production Research
- Reviewer for Expert Systems With Applications
- Reviewer for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Reviewer for Frontiers of Computer Science
- 2019:
- Senior PC member of AAAI, IJCAI
- Special editor for AI Communications
- PC member of UAI, PRICAI, JFPDA, IJCAI Demos Track
- Reviewer for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR
- Reviewer for European Journal of Operations Research, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
- 2018:
- Chair of the demonstration track at IJCAI-ECAI
- Senior PC member of IJCAI
- Co-chair of AWRL (Asian Workshop on Reinforcement Learning)
- PC member of AAAI, ICML, UAI, MPREF, PRICAI 2018 special track on RL, DA2PL, ACML
- Reviewer for NIPS, ICLR, AISTATS
- Reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Frontiers of Computer Science
- 2017:
- Senior PC member of IJCAI
- Co-chair of AWRL (Asian Workshop on Reinforcement Learning)
- PC member of ACML, AISTATS, UAI
- Reviewer for NIPS (Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems)
- Reviewer for Neurocomputing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology
- 2016:
- Senior PC member of IJCAI
- Co-chair of AWRL (Asian Workshop on Reinforcement Learning)
- PC member of UAI, ECAI, Workshop DA2PL, JFPDA, M-PREF, MIWAI
- Reviewer for NIPS (Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems)
- Reviewer for Expert Systems With Applications
- Reviewer for Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- 2015:
- Co-chair of Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF)
- PC member of IJCAI, UAI, SUM, MIWAI, ADT-LPNMR Doctoral Consortium
- Reviewer of MCO
- Co-chair of M-PREF
- Program co-chair of Multidisciplinary International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence
- PC member of UAI, ECAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer of IPMU, TAAI
- Reviewer of Journal of Machine Learning Research
- PC member of IJCAI, ECML workshop RL with generalized feedback: beyond numeric rewards, M-PREF, MIWAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer of Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
- PC member of MIWAI, JFPDA
- Reviewer of IWAISE
- PC member of MIWAI
- Reviewer of IPMU
- PC member of JFPDA, MIWAI
- Reviewer of ADT (Algorithmic Decision Theory)
- Reviewer of Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle
- PC member of MIWAI
- Reviewer of RFIA
- Reviewer of Journal of Financial Decision Making
- PC member of MIWAI
- Reviewer of ICML
- Reviewer of Fuzzy Sets and Systems